
About device

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Samozdrav helps people to gain health !

Treniruoklis “Samozdrav” – naujausių technologijų pagrindu sukurtas prietaisas, padedantis atkurti normalią kraujotaką, pirmiausia galvos smegenų ir širdies.

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„Samozdrav“device annotation Apparatus “Samozdrav” is a special breathing device, created by N. A. Agadžianian, academician in academy of medical studies and his colleagues from Samara. It was developed to naturally, without any medicine help eliminate the main reason for cardio – vascular disease – the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) amount in the arterial blood. […]

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Išradimo istorija

Sveikų ir sergančių lėtinėmis ligomis žmonių fiziologiniai tyrimai rodo, kad pastariesiems būdinga bendra savybė — žemas anglies dvideginio (CO2) procentas kraujyje dėl padidėjusio kvėpavimo intensyvumo – lėtinio hiperventiliacinio sindromo.

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HOW SAMOZDRAV WORKS? The “Samozdrav” training device is designed to improve the blood circulation of the whole organism and, first of all, the brain and heart. That’s why this device is used for treatment of, what it might at first seem like, completely different diseases: arterial hypertension (high arterial blood pressure), asthma, insomnia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, […]